A Court of Wings and Ruin: Soap Opera Version
Part 3-2
Chapters 56-60
Spoilers 🪽 Discussion 🪽
High Lady
The entrance to the Summer Court Palace
Photo Credit: Celita M.
Jurian’s intel on the King’s plans for his attack on the Summer Court proved to be true. In the heat of battle, Feyre witnesses Cassian in action for the first time and realizes he's been holding back during their training sessions. Cassian effortlessly cuts down Hybern soldiers until he faces a formidable Commander. After Cassian dispatches him, the Hybern army retreats, only to be ambushed by Tarquin’s forces at their rear. It’s a massacre. Of the few hundred survivors, Tarquin spares a few for questioning, executing the rest by drowning them as they kneel on dry land with his power over water. Anyone else surprised by the High Lord of the Summer Court? for some reason, the blood rubies that he delivered to the Night Court after they robbed him did not give me the impression that he takes no prisoners. 😶This brutal scene forces Feyre to confront the reality that she lacks the stomach for true warfare. While she can defend and fight, the carnage of all-out battle leaves her feeling like a coward.
This scene also had me seriously question Cassian’s relationship or feelings for Mor when he ripped his hand away from Nesta after she cleaned and bandaged his wound. I like Mor. I really do love her character, but in this moment, she seemed like an unintentional obstacle to a budding romance between Cassian and Nesta.
The fifth day after the battle, Azriel appeared after his reconnaissance and reported that he saw the Hybern army marching on the seam of the Autumn and Summer courts borders, towards Winter.
The decision that needed to be made now was to either stay where they were camped at now, or leave. Both options had their own set of consequences. Varian’s idea was to spin a glamour to make it appear that their armies were still there, but take their host to help defend the Winter Court. Remember that they still do not know how large the Hybern army really is, or even where the main body is located. The downside to Varian’s idea…it requires a lot of magic which fell to Rhysand and Feyre. Their plan in motion, they set out for the Winter court, only to find the Hybern Army waiting for them. They walked right into a trap.
Keir’s Darkbringers buckled first, forcing Cassian into the middle of the fray, and found himself surrounded and fighting for his life. Azriel seeing that Cassian was in trouble, began pushing his way to Cassian’s side. They were losing this battle. They needed to know where the Kings main host was in order to release Bryaxis, and Feyre could think of only one thing that could tell her what she needed to know. Feyre urged Mor, who was most likely ordered by Rhysand to keep her safe, down to the battlefield to help Azriel and Cassian, and she set off to find Elain.
Tarquin High Lord of the Summer Court
Photo Credit: Celita M.
Feyre finds Elain and asks her to use her power as a seer to locate our favorite tea spiller, the Suriel. The Suriel is headed to The Middle, alarmingly close to the Weaver of the Wood’s cabin. We all know Stryga is likely still fuming at Feyre. Without hesitation nor a word to anyone about where she was headed, Feyre winnows to the ancient woods to seek the Suriel’s counsel.
It appears that the Suriel knew she was coming, (of course it did) because Feyre didn’t need to look long or hard to find the Suriel. It walked right up to her. She didn’t even need to set a trap. It reveals to her that Elain and Nesta can track the cauldron, advising: “tell the silver-eyed messenger that the answer lies on the second and penultimate pages of the book. Together they hold the key.” Just as the Suriel begins to explain how to stop Hybern, Ianthe (that treacherous snake) shoots an ash arrow through its throat. True to her cowardly nature, Ianthe does not come alone—Hybern soldiers accompany her.
Let’s pause for a moment to connect events from ACOMAF to this scene with Feyre and the Suriel in The Middle. While reading ACOWAR I’m simultaneously listening to ACOMAF (still my favorite book in the series, by the way), I noticed something intriguing. In chapter 58 of ACOWAR, The Suriel says “This time you sent the trembling fawn to find me.” In chapter 57 of ACOMAF after the Queen smuggled the night court the second half of The Book of Breathings, Feyre heard it say “Hello sweet thing. Hello lady of night, princess of decay. Hello fanged beast and trembling fawn. I have always thought that the oldest and most powerful creatures Feyre encounters during her story are more connected than what they appear to be. They all seem to say the same thing or a variation of the same thing. With this particular revelation did the cauldron give them all the omniscient power? What is your theory?
Now back to Ianthe as she slithers from the shadows.
Ianthe, High Priestess
Photo Credit: Celita M.
I knew letting her live was going to come back and bite Feyre in the ass. I mean really. Why wouldn’t it? We knew from the beginning of the book that Ianthe is an agent of Hybern. It took quite a bit of time and magic to repair the damage Feyre forced her to inflict on herself. Ianthe revealed that she had learned from Tamlin how Feyre managed to capture The Suriel. She used Feyre’s technique, successfully snared the Suriel, but couldn’t glean any information from it. fortunately for her (or maybe not so fortunate, because we all know that Feyre can be a savage), she used a tracking spell of the Kings’ on the cloak she used as bait which activated in Feyre’s presence. The Suriel, knowing that it is a prized capture for the King, stayed put giving Feyre time to run. Feyre, understanding the sacrifice that was being made for her, stepped out into the open, ensured Ianthe and her Hybern escort saw her, and ran. Straight into the Weavers’ cottage.
It was either Ianthe’s arrogance or her insatiable need for revenge (or both) that couldn’t let her feel the danger she was in when she set foot into the cottage. Feyre hidden behind the door, waited until the right moment. As soon as her three pursuers crossed the threshold, Feyre darted out and slammed the door shut.
Feyre fed them to the Weaver. Savage.
When Feyre made her way back to the Suriel, she found it in a dire state, dying. Despite her desire to help, the Suriel wouldn’t allow her to try to heal it. It explained that it helped her all those times because she had always shown kindness during their encounters.
This moment is significant! Let’s pause to delve into the importance of this scene.
In the ACOTAR world, the fae are categorized into several classes, each with unique characteristics and abilities. The main classes of fae mentioned in the series are:
High Fae: The most powerful and are the nobility class. They are humanoid, very beautiful and possess great magical abilities. They are the High Lords and Ladies who rule the courts and their entourage. Rhysand, Tamlin, Feyre and Lucien are High Fae.
Lesser Fae: These Fae vary greatly in appearance and abilities. Some are humanoid, while others have more animalistic or monstrous traits. They typically appear as the household staff for the High Fae, and the working class of the Fae territory in Prythian. Examples include Alis, Feyre’s handmaiden while she was in residence at the Spring Court, the Suriel and the Attor.
Winged Fae: This class of Fae fall somewhere between High Fae and Lesser Fae. They have some power and beauty, but are distinguished by wings and rounded ears. The Illyrians have bat-like wings, and the Seraphim have feathered wings. Cassian and Azriel are the most notable members of the Illyrian Winged Fae.
Connecting some dots up to this point in the series:
Feyre’s Early Struggles: Feyre’s family fell from high society due to a bad investment by her father. Nesta and Elain can recall their lives during that time, but Feyre’s memories are mostly from when they were destitute. She also remembers how high society, who were once friends of the family treated them after they lost their wealth.
Kindness to Lesser Fae: Across the wall, lesser fae were treated as “less than” by most of the High Fae, but Feyre always showed kindness and respect. For example:
In ACOTAR, despite her fear, was kind and respectful to the Suriel.
In ACOMAF, during the Tithe at the Spring Court, Feyre did not hesitate to give the Water Wraiths the jewelry she was wearing and offering more to cover their debt to Tamlin and food.
In ACOWAR, Feyre and Mor helped defend lesser fae during Hybern’s surprise attack on the Summer Court.
Progressive Leaders: High Lords like Tarquin of the Summer Court and Rhysand of the Night Court are more progressive and inclusive towards lesser fae, reflecting Feyre’s values.
These moments highlight Feyre’s empathy, growth, and dedication to advocating for all fae, showcasing her evolution from a fearful human who despised all fae to a compassionate High Lady.
With its dying breaths, the Suriel gave her the same advice it gave her the first time she trapped it. “Stay with the High Lord.”
Grieving the death of the Suriel, Feyre was found by Helion, who cremated the Suriel and winnowed Feyre back to the camp.
Discover the latest twists in the epic battle against Hybern. Mor and Feyre rekindle their friendship, and Mor reveals her true feelings about Cassian and Azriel. As Hybern's forces wreak havoc, Feyre embarks on a daring mission to recruit the Bone Carver. Witness the arrival of unexpected allies, intense battles, and strategic maneuvers that could tip the scales in favor of the good guys.